Timothy Martin, Artist
Oil Paintings
My general preference is to work with oils because I can get a softer effect that can be more difficult to create with other media. Sometimes acrylics are fun, though, because they dry quickly and lend themselves to making changes easily.

(18 x 24" - Oil) This painting was my first commission and is based on a photograph by Jim Ryser. It is similar to one I did earlier, but with more color.

(24 x 12") The man in the background is relaxing and reading. A great way to spend the day in Charleston.

(14 x 11") This woman with the mysterious eyes was the first portrait I ever painted. The small necklace she is wearing has a very delicate look.

(18 x 24" - Oil) This painting was my first commission and is based on a photograph by Jim Ryser. It is similar to one I did earlier, but with more color.